A Heart-Centered Gathering

Ohana Spiritual Awakening 2024!

There is no better time than NOW to re-center, re-connect, and re-new our bond of oneness- with one another and with All That Is.

Click Here for 2024 Presenters

For Registration & Passes, visit: Ohana 2024!

We’re excited to update everyone on Ohana 2024 on Sep 6th – 9th at Dekkas Rock! 2024 has definitely been an interesting, yet challenging, year. The Earth plane as we know it is shifting and many of us are feeling and experiencing its effects. It’s why our focus for this year’s gathering is “Journeying Within.”

It’s time to clear that which no longer serves us and re-invigorate that eternal spark within each of us. Together, our collective frequency will create a warm, loving, and safe space where, through ceremony, we can allow old traumas, negative emotions, and unwanted patterns to be brought forward, released, and healed.

Allowing healing energies and frequencies to enter, permeate, and transmute, better aligns us with timelines of our greatest potential and for our highest good. We’re all conduits for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and by raising our individual vibrations, we positively affect the vibration of our communities and the land which we live upon. Ohana, we would be so honored for you to join us on this adventure of self-exploration and collective healing!

Presenters & Facilitators

(In alphabetical order)

A’lana Marmel: Light Language Facilitator, Singer & Drum Maker

Alex Urbina: Shamanic Practitioner, Experiencer, and Creator of The Healing Studio

Christian Schena: Esoteric Teacher, Healer, Artist, and Tech Master

Eddie Moreno: Shaolin Qigong Practitioner

Garth Skywalker: Spiritual Healer & Seer, Experiencer at Mt. Shasta

Iryna Roppo: QHHT Practitioner

Jacob St. John: Earth Healer & Gridworker 

Kelly Rainbow Butterfly: Author, Energy Healer, Intuitive/Medium, Artist, Experiencer

Martha Dewey: Energy Healer & Psychic Medium, Messenger of the Earth Medicine Sasquatch Clan

Norma Estrella: Event Organizer, QHHT & Shamanic Practitioner, Holistic Health Consultant

Starla Hagon: Event Founder, Contactee & Experiencer, Reiki Master

Tammy & Anthony Chino: Healing & Life Coaches; Creators of Collective Frequency

Taylor Moon: Tarot, Sound Bath Chakra Bowl Healing, Quantum Energy Healer, Reiki, Occult Sciences, and Shamanic Practitioner

Daily Schedule

Friday, September 6th

11:00 AM: Registration Opens

11:00 – 12:45 PM: Open Time to Settle-in, Share Spiritual Gifts, Explore

1:00 – 2:45 PM: Welcome Gathering 

3:00 – 4:45 PM: Afternoon Workshops and Activities

5:00 PM: Dinner

6:00 – 7:45 PM: Open Time to Share Spiritual Gifts & Explore

8:00 – 10:00 PM: Fire Ceremony & Drum Circle

*2:00 – 3:00 AM: Forest Walk and Skywatch

Saturday, September 7th

7:00 AM: Breakfast

8:00 – 9:45 AM: Morning Gathering, Cacao Ceremony, Meditation Journey

10:00 – 11:45 AM: Morning Workshops & Activities

12:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 – 1:45 PM: Open Time to Share Spiritual Gifts & Explore

2:00 – 4:45 PM: Afternoon Workshops & Activities

5:00 PM: Dinner

6:00 – 7:45 PM: Open Time to Share Spiritual Gifts & Explore

8:00 – 10:00 PM: Fire Pit Gathering & Drum Circle

Sunday, September 8th

7:00 AM: Breakfast

8:00 – 8:45 AM: Morning Gathering & Ayni Despacho Drum Circle

9:00 – 11:45 AM: Morning Workshops & Activities

12:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 – 1:45 PM: Open Time to Share Spiritual Gifts & Explore

2:00 – 4:45 PM: Afternoon Workshops & Activities

5:00 PM: Dinner

6:00 – 7:45 PM: Open Time to Share Spiritual Gifts & Explore

8:00 – 10:00 PM: Fire Pit Gathering, Raffle & Trade Night

Monday, September 9th

7:00 AM: Breakfast

8:00 – 8:45 AM: Farewell Gathering

9:00 – 12:00 PM: Open Time to Pack-up, Share Spiritual Gifts, Explore

For Registration & Passes, visit: Ohana 2024!

Additional Information

*“What’s the Forest Walk and Skywatch at 2:00 AM?” 

It’s a meditative experience with the intention of peaceful contact with benevolent members of our galactic family. Of course, everyone is welcomed to do this completely on their own and when it’s most convenient for them. Starla and I have done this together several times and we follow protocols for clearing, protection, and safety. This is an open invitation to join minds and efforts for a group experience.


All sites are first-come, first-served. Pets are welcomed! There’s a central paved loop for easy access to sites as well as overflow parking. Trailers up to 16’ are allowed. Sorry, but no RV hook-ups are available. Vault toilets, potable water, picnic tables, a few fire rings, and bear boxes are on-site. We’ll set up pop-up showers with rechargeable shower pumps for everyone to use. You’re more than welcomed to use your own camp showers in the pop-ups. Electricity will be limited to our generator, so bring travel batteries to ensure your personal electronics stay charged. Please note that cell phone service is very poor around the campground.

Extra Nights

Starla and I will be arriving on-site on Wed, Sep 4th for set-up and staying the night of Mon, Sep 9th to break down the site. If you’re interested in camping during any of these extra nights, please add that option to your pass on the ticketing website. It is $10 per person, per night. 


All meals are vegetarian and will be provided, beginning with dinner on Friday the 6th at 5:00 PM. This also includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Saturday & Sunday (7th – 8th), and breakfast for Monday (9th). Space for refrigeration will be very limited. If you bring perishable food, medication requiring refrigeration, or have specific dietary restrictions, we’ll do our best to accommodate, but it’d be safest to maintain your own personal cooler. All food must be stored in the provided bear boxes for everyone’s safety.

Raffle & Trade Night

Multiple baskets filled with goodies will be offered for the raffle. The winners will be announced at the fire pit gathering on Sunday evening. For the trade event, bring any items you find interesting! Some suggestions: crystals, essential oils, herbal tinctures, artwork, tarot or oracle decks, candles, pottery, crafts, camping items, etc. Be creative, anything goes! Everyone loves taking home unique souvenirs. 

Spiritual Gift Exchange

There’s more open time in the schedule to allow better access for spiritual gift exchange and exploration. Due to permitting restrictions, goods and services must be barter, trade, or donation only. Card readings, reiki and energy healings, shamanic illumination, and other intuitive services will be offered. Please self-coordinate upon your arrival. 

Groceries, Gas, Alternative Lodging

The nearest grocery store, gas stations, ATMs, restaurants, and alternative lodging options are located in the town of Lakehead (15 mi). Alternate lodging options include: Shasta Lake Motel, Neu Lodge Motel, or multiple properties listed on vrbo or AirBnB. 

Nearby Attractions

Dekkas Rock is located along the banks of the McCloud Arm of Shasta Lake. Feel free to take a dip, cool off, and relax. Depending on water level, it may require a short hike down to the water. There’s also the one-mile Hirz Bay Trail connecting Dekkas Rock to Hirz Bay Campground for those interested in hiking. You can also drive to Hirz Mountain Lookout (3 mi) for panoramic views of Mt. Shasta and the surrounding area. Lake Shasta Caverns (15 mi) is also open for tours (admission fee). 

Recommended Items to Pack

Your favorite Hawaiian shirt and/or hula skirt! 

Swim suit, water shoes, floatie!

Mat or blanket for group activities

Camping equipment

Folding chair or stool

Headlamp or flashlight

Insect repellant

Hat or visor


Notebook & pen

Musical instruments

Items for trade

Poncho or raincoat


Snacks & bottled water

Personal medication

Weekend Pass Options

-Full Weekend Pass (all workshops, meals, and camping): $222

-One-Day Pass + 1 night camping: $111

-Child Full Weekend Pass: $66

-Child One-Day Pass + 1 night camping: $33

-Extra night of camping: $10 per person & per night

*For groups with multiple children, please email us for a special discount: OhanaSpiritualAwakening@gmail.com

For Registration & Passes, visit: Ohana 2024!

Ohana Spiritual Awakening 2024!

We’re happy to announce Ohana Spiritual Awakening 2024! Come and join us on Sep 6th – 9th at Dekkas Rock in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, CA for four days of community, learning, ceremony, and healing!

For Registration and Passes, visit: Ohana 2024!

This year our focus is “Journeying Within,” where we’ll also re-connect with our inner-selves through ceremony in order to heal, forgive, and release that which no longer serves us. Now is the time. 

Interwoven throughout the weekend will be elements of the four sacred directions of the Inca Medicine Wheel. From the Ayni Despacho (prayer bundles), fire ceremony, and also a heart-opening cacao ceremony. All healing is self-healing. Together, we’ll hold collective space to allow those healing frequencies to permeate and transmute. When we work on raising our individual vibrations we become beacons that radiate love and healing to those around us. It’s through this ripple effect that we help in manifesting a better world, for ourselves and for future generations. 

This year, we’re allotting more time between workshops for sharing gifts (donation only), exploring the land, hiking Hirz Bay Trail, swimming in Shasta Lake, and for renewing old bonds and making new friends. More detailed information about workshops and facilitators will be posted in the coming month.

For those that attended Ohana 2023, we’re unfortunately unable to use Camp Kimtu. With this year’s focus, Dekkas Rock will provide the perfect setting for ceremony and spiritual connection. The entire campground will be open to our private group only. All meals will be vegetarian. There will be access to potable water, vault toilets, outdoor showers (that we will set up), and limited electricity for charging small devices. Trailers up to 16’ in length are allowed on-site and overflow parking is available. Alternate lodging (Shasta Lake Motel), restaurants, groceries, and gas stations are located in Lakehead, CA, 15 miles away. 

Full weekend passes (all workshops, meals, and camping) are $222 per adult. Single-day passes, children’s passes, and extra nights of camping are also available. For groups with multiple children, or if you have questions, please email us at: OhanaSpiritualAwakening@gmail.com. We hope to see you there! Stay tuned for more info! If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter, please do so. We’ll only send event updates, never spam!

For Registration and Passes, visit: Ohana 2024!

Galactic and Spiritual Informer’s Connection 2023

WOW! Just wow. Starla and I attended the GSIC conference in Orlando, Florida on October 20th – 22nd. It was a huge disclosure event full of high-vibing starseeds and contactees. With over 800 people from around the world, the energy and frequency at the conference was palpable. I first learned of GSIC through Dr. Michael Salla’s YouTube channel “Exopolitics Today,” which I followed after he interviewed SunBôw TrueBrother July 2022. SunBôw was a presenter at last year’s GSIC conference and if you haven’t read his book series entitled, “The Sasquatch Message to Humanity,” I highly recommend it. You can check it out HERE. (We’re not affiliated, it’s just a great series!).

SunBôw’s books explain the inter-dimensional and spiritual component of the Sasquatch and UFO “phenomena” that many researchers have yet to reconcile, as well as a great deal of fascinating information on the origins of humanity. The speakers at GSIC were aligned with those spiritual concepts and brought much of that same truth and knowledge to the forefront. There was none of that, “Are we alone in the universe?” stuff that’s been on endless replay. Humanity is waking up and it’s a great time to be alive!

The GSIC speakers included Dr. Michael Salla (Exopolitics Today), Alex Collier (Andromedan contactee), Elena Danaan (Emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds), Tony Rodrigues (Secret Space Program), Jean-Charles Moyen & Mélanie Charest (French Secret Space Program), Brad Olsen (Award-winning author), Dr. Christiane Northup, M.D. (Wellness Expert), Dan Willis (Military Whistleblower), Jerry Willis (Star Visitor), Corina Pataki (Bible Researcher), and Nikki Alan (Psychic Medium from the UK).

Speaking of Nikki Alan, holy smokes! Her mediumship event on Friday night was amazing. After relaying messages from the loved ones of two people in the audience, Nikki asked if someone was “connected to a Jim or James… a brother or dad, like a second name in the family?” Imagine my surprise when Starla slowly raised her hand. Starla’s father and brother, both named James, had both died a few years ago. The messages Nikki brought forward were so remarkably spot-on, some heart-warming, some heart-wrenching, but all sweetly tempered with humor and love.

Nikki affirmed for Starla that, despite the difficult circumstances of her life, her heart remains full of love and she has a clear connection to other realms. I’d say that describes my beautiful friend so very well. Needless to say, Starla experienced a profound and unexpected healing she called “life-changing.” She felt completely renewed and was beaming so brightly the entire weekend. Who would’ve guessed that with hundreds of people in attendance Starla’s family would be one of the few who connected with Nikki?

We recounted the numerous synchronicities that resulted in Starla accompanying me to this conference and agreed that the Universe never ceases to amaze. My take-away, don’t hesitate to make amends when needed; it’s powerful, liberating, and can literally be life- changing. Blessings Ohana.

Here is a recording of Nikki Alan relaying these messages to Starla.

Opening Sacred Space

We began our gathering on the evening of September 8th by reciting this Q’ero prayer. As requested, here it is, available as a PDF. Opinions vary, but I was taught that sacred space can remain open for about seven days. It makes for a beautiful weekly practice, if you choose to use it as such. It’s recited during pivotal events like birth, marriage, healing, or for peace and protection.

The Q’ero people are descendants of the Incas and reside high in the Andes of Peru. Their shamanic traditions are spiritually based in nature and invoke elemental powers to bring about healing and balance. The six individual paragraphs each represent one of the four cardinal directions, the below, and the above.

To recite the prayer: For each section, stand and face that cardinal direction with your rattle high in the air. You’ll be turning in a clockwise direction to face the next cardinal direction. If you’re with a group, they can raise one or both hands in that direction as well. For Mother Earth (Pachamama), bend down to touch the earth with your palm. For Father Sun (Intititi), stand up and raise both hands to the sky. Each paragraph ends with “A-ho!” The entire group should say it loudly and in unison as you give a singular shake of your rattle in that direction. If you don’t have a rattle, you can substitute with a bell, drum, or something similar.

Did you know Q’ero medicine involves seven energy centers in the body? This is alike the Hindu tradition of the chakras or the Jewish Kabbalah tradition of the Tree of Life that’s divided into seven levels and connected by ten nodes. It’s time to bring this seemingly “shared” ancient knowledge from different traditions to the forefront to restore much-needed balance back into the world!

Ohana 2023!

Aloha Ohana! We hope everyone had a wonderful time sharing a space filled with heart-felt love, laughter, and oneness. We surely did! It was beautiful to witness the many moments of connection & re-connection, open-hearted love and healing, random acts of kindness, learning and discovery, and hearing of the many memorable personal messages and experiences that came through.  

We envisioned Ohana Spiritual Awakening as providing a warm, welcoming experience; a time, place, and space to make a few steps along your spiritual journey feel safe, comfortable, and supported by like-minded people. Being able to reconnect with nature, the Sasquatch people, our star brothers and sisters, the Elementals, and all of the seen and unseen as a unified group helped to amplify our gratitude and intentions.

We each make a difference in this world, whether we realize it or not. By affecting positive change within ourselves, we affect positive change in others. We hope that “God-spark” in everyone not only got the chance to charge, but was set ablaze! 

It’s up to us to share that positivity with others throughout the day, whether it be the gift of a warm smile, demonstrating extra patience or kindness, creating laughter with a joke, or by providing much-needed encouragement during trying moments. It’s via this ripple effect that we contribute to the collective vibration of humanity and the earth’s grid; it’s how we experience oneness on a daily basis. 

We’ve uploaded a few photos and videos, but the full album (as well as those shared by others) is accessible via our Facebook group page, “Ohana Spiritual Awakening.” In the upcoming days, we’ll be making a series of posts providing more info about some of the workshops and activities that were held. That way, we don’t overwhelm everyone with long posts. We were a bit preoccupied running things in the background, so we didn’t take a lot of photos, but with the help of the community, there are some great shared photos on the Facebook page.

We’re sad it was over so soon, but that means next year’s gathering is right around the corner! Believe it or not, we’ve already started planning, and yes, we’ve listened to your comments closely. The next gathering will be the weekend after Labor Day, September 6th – 9th, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who traveled from far and wide to commune with open hearts and minds. We recognize and appreciate the large investment of time and energy that was integral in making this weekend something special for everyone. Building companionship, friendship, and kinship; this is what we’re all about. Mahalo and many blessings to you all! We hope to see you again next year!

Ohana Spiritual Awakening 2023 Invitation

The Scheduled Activities & Workshops

Event Information

Camp Kimtu is located one-mile from downtown Willow Creek, in an old-growth fir forest, nestled alongside the Trinity River. Attendees can set up campsites beyond the designated areas that overlook the river on a first-come, first-served basis. For added convenience, there’s an on-site shower and bathroom facility, access to water, and picnic tables for daily use. 

Workshops and gatherings will be held at either the indoor Redbud Theater or the outdoor stage. Meals are vegetarian and will be prepared in the full-service kitchen cookhouse. All meals are provided, to include dinner on the 8th, three meals on both the 9th & 10th, and breakfast on the 11th. For those omnivores out there, no worries, the food will be super tasty and filling! We’ll also end every evening with a gathering at the fire pit to share stories and create music together. Don’t forget to bring your musical instruments!

An added benefit to this private campsite is the permit-less fishing! Steelhead and salmon are the top catches from the Trinity River. Salmon are known to swim up river into a nearby hatchery. Once full, the gates are closed, leaving a hearty fishing hole for anyone interested. We’ve planned a few events at the river, so bring your water shoes (and swimsuits) to prevent walking directly on the rocks. 

There will be free time for swimming, exploring, and sharing our spiritual gifts. *Performing therapeutic modalities requires a license in California, so we ask that any sharing be done at your own risk, discretion, and by donation, barter, or trade only. Please self-coordinate once you arrive. We’ll also hold a raffle with some exciting items and host a trade event so you can bring home a few souvenirs. Unfortunately, the two cabins on-site are already reserved and RVs aren’t allowed due to limited room for U-turns. Space is also limited for campers and fifth-wheels, so please coordinate with us prior to your arrival. 

We’d love for you to join us at the Ohana Spiritual Awakening! Pack up your Hawaiian shirts or hula skirts and let’s experience this family gathering together in oneness and unity!

The Cosmic Oracle Show

Check out Ohana’s first interview! Star and Norma were honored to be interviewed by the Cosmic Oracle herself, Barbara Jean Lindsay. Starla discussed the inspiration behind the Ohana Spiritual Awakening and about her amazing connection with ETs, Sasquatch, and other beings. Learn more about the speakers coming to our gathering, to include Barbara and her workshop, “Healing Interspecies Communication.” Watch the whole interview here!

Aloha Ohana!

Mahalo (thank you) for visiting our new home on the inter-webs! Bear with us because we’re still “moving-in.” This is our first year, so between event planning and creating this website, it’s been a huge labor of love. As the days draw nearer, we’re growing more excited to be in everyone’s presence to share sacred space. We’ve put a lot of work into making this gathering educational & informative, full of opportunities for healing & connection, and high-spirited & fun to raise our collective vibration!

We often get caught-up in our routines and forget that experiencing joy is just as important, if not more important, than everything else we put our energy into. Joy is the sweetness of life and we want to capture that essence during this gathering. We’re glad you’re here with us, lots more to come!