WOW! Just wow. Starla and I attended the GSIC conference in Orlando, Florida on October 20th – 22nd. It was a huge disclosure event full of high-vibing starseeds and contactees. With over 800 people from around the world, the energy and frequency at the conference was palpable. I first learned of GSIC through Dr. Michael Salla’s YouTube channel “Exopolitics Today,” which I followed after he interviewed SunBôw TrueBrother July 2022. SunBôw was a presenter at last year’s GSIC conference and if you haven’t read his book series entitled, “The Sasquatch Message to Humanity,” I highly recommend it. You can check it out HERE. (We’re not affiliated, it’s just a great series!).
SunBôw’s books explain the inter-dimensional and spiritual component of the Sasquatch and UFO “phenomena” that many researchers have yet to reconcile, as well as a great deal of fascinating information on the origins of humanity. The speakers at GSIC were aligned with those spiritual concepts and brought much of that same truth and knowledge to the forefront. There was none of that, “Are we alone in the universe?” stuff that’s been on endless replay. Humanity is waking up and it’s a great time to be alive!
The GSIC speakers included Dr. Michael Salla (Exopolitics Today), Alex Collier (Andromedan contactee), Elena Danaan (Emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds), Tony Rodrigues (Secret Space Program), Jean-Charles Moyen & Mélanie Charest (French Secret Space Program), Brad Olsen (Award-winning author), Dr. Christiane Northup, M.D. (Wellness Expert), Dan Willis (Military Whistleblower), Jerry Willis (Star Visitor), Corina Pataki (Bible Researcher), and Nikki Alan (Psychic Medium from the UK).
Speaking of Nikki Alan, holy smokes! Her mediumship event on Friday night was amazing. After relaying messages from the loved ones of two people in the audience, Nikki asked if someone was “connected to a Jim or James… a brother or dad, like a second name in the family?” Imagine my surprise when Starla slowly raised her hand. Starla’s father and brother, both named James, had both died a few years ago. The messages Nikki brought forward were so remarkably spot-on, some heart-warming, some heart-wrenching, but all sweetly tempered with humor and love.
Nikki affirmed for Starla that, despite the difficult circumstances of her life, her heart remains full of love and she has a clear connection to other realms. I’d say that describes my beautiful friend so very well. Needless to say, Starla experienced a profound and unexpected healing she called “life-changing.” She felt completely renewed and was beaming so brightly the entire weekend. Who would’ve guessed that with hundreds of people in attendance Starla’s family would be one of the few who connected with Nikki?
We recounted the numerous synchronicities that resulted in Starla accompanying me to this conference and agreed that the Universe never ceases to amaze. My take-away, don’t hesitate to make amends when needed; it’s powerful, liberating, and can literally be life- changing. Blessings Ohana.
Here is a recording of Nikki Alan relaying these messages to Starla.